Contraband Police Wiki
Welcome to Acaristan

Welcome on the Contraband Police Wiki. This encylopedia is written by fans like you! Everybody can contribute and since we're in the early stage of creating this place, any help is welcome! Share your thoughts, information and images and help us grow!

73 articles • 970 edits • 169 files
About Contraband Police

Contraband Police is a game where you have to check visitors if they can enter Acaristan or if they have to be send back. It's also possible that smugglers may try to smuggle Contraband through the Border Post so be aware and catch the ones that do! However, you're not only assigned on the Border Post. Special Missions, Interventions and Runaways will happen during the time you're checking the visitors. So be ready at any moment for action.

Latest News

Our friends at Console Labs have been doing a great job recently, and as a result, we can finally bring full controller support to the PC version! (gamepad, steering wheel)
